Some effective ways to get rid of shyness

How to overcome shyness? | How to get rid of shyness
Are you a shy person? A little shyness is also important but when it exceeds the limit then it ca…

#Tag : Motivation

Teaching Children Not to Be Rude!

Guest Blog Post by Julia Cook
As a school counselor, I would often have kids come into my office and expect me to wave my magic counseling wand and…

The Civilising Mission of Capital - Part 1 of 4

Marx describes the concept of The Civilising Mission of Capital, in The Grundrisse. Capitals are driven to compete. Initially, this competition takes…

#Tag : Capital Marxism

Here Is Another Collaborative Tool to Enhance Your Remote Teaching

Creately is another great tool we are adding to our distance education resources. Creately provides you with a visual collaborative space where you a…

What The Friends of the People Are, Part III - Part 19

“I have dwelt once more in such detail on the differentiation of the peasants and handicraftsmen just because it was necessary to bring out clearly h…

A New App to Help You Make The Best of Chromebooks in Your (Remote)Teaching

Explore is a recently released app that will  help you tap into the functional potential of Chromebooks. This is a built-in app that acts as "yo…

4 Good Grading Apps for Teachers

Now that most of your instruction is done online, the need for digital gradebooks is even more persistent. In today's post we are sharing with yo…

The Civilising Mission of Capital - Summary

SummaryThe Civilising Mission of Capital should not be confused with the Historic Mission of Capital. The Civilising Mission of Capital is a concep…

#Tag : Capital Marxism

7 Educational Apps to Help Students Develop Their English Vocabulary

In today's post we are revising our list of educational apps to help students and young learners develop their English vocabulary. This is a list…